People ask “how can I help?” in social justice or racial justice or to create positive change but do not know how. This training is what many seek. We will discuss:
1. What are your own strengths, skills and interests? How can you leverage those?
2. How do you dissect a problem to then create solutions?
3. How do you shift focus from what you don’t want to what you do – create a positive vision? Negative focus will drain you; positive will energize you, inspire & attract others.
4. Then break that vision or goal into bite-size action steps ….shift to practical, gritty reality.
5. What are your attitudes about yourself and what you think is possible? …about self confidence and leadership?… about how you approach a challenge?
6. How do you fit this in your life: as a career? Or in addition to another job and kids?… How do you pace yourself and recharge your batteries?